Sunday, September 26, 2010

Harvest autumn harvest eMEX Internal Security Code

In October, the harvest season, the eighth four-day China Suzhou Electronic Information Expo is also concentrated in the Golden Rooster Lake, autumn is concluded. The number of visitors 150,000 people, with sales of more than 24 million yuan. By the international financial crisis, in various exhibitions generally shrinking, this year's electric Fair "contrarian" and, on another successful step forward.鑰屼綔涓?009鏈??寰椾俊璧栧搧鐗屽鑾峰緱鑰呯殑瀹堝唴瀹変俊鎭鎶?紝鍑?eMEX鑻忓窞鐢靛崥浼氱殑涓滈锛屼笁娆℃垚鍔熶寒鐩革紝鏀惰幏棰囦赴銆?br />
2009eMEX Suzhou Electrical Expo, has been the keeper of the security of information technology in three consecutive appearances, and observing every year within the security initiatives to keep the contents of a professional network security technology, gives customers more innovative products.浠婂勾瀹堝唴瀹変富鎺ㄣ?Mail Archiving Expert鐢靛瓙閭欢褰掓。涓撳銆戯紝鍒囧悎鏈?柊娉曡鐨勯渶姹傛?锛屽苟涓旀槸鏃朵笅鐨勬渶鏂扮儹鐐广?閭欢褰掓。鐨勬蹇垫槸瀵归偖浠舵暟鎹繘琛屽湪绾垮綊妗c?鍒嗙被绠$悊銆侀暱鏈熶繚鐣欏苟鍏佽瀹炴椂鎼滅储鍜岃闂紝涓昏鏄拡瀵规捣閲忔暟鎹殑搴旂敤锛屾槸瀵规暟鎹繘琛屾湁鏁堢殑杩佺Щ鍜岀鐞嗐?

銆??浠庝紒涓氬唴閮ㄧ鐞嗚?瑷?紝閭欢褰掓。鏄悓姝ュ疄鐜伴偖浠跺浠斤紝閫氳繃鎶婇偖浠舵暟鎹瓨鍌ㄥ埌鐙珛鐨勫瓨鍌ㄧ‖浠朵笂锛屽彲浠ュ閭欢鏁版嵁杩涜鏇村畨鍏ㄧ殑绠$悊銆?When you need to check the message history, you can quickly obtain the necessary messages to achieve the objective of mail management, disaster recovery can be achieved. From the outside, with the use of e-mail as evidence in court is increasingly clear, the United States and some European countries have drawn up a series of laws and regulations.缇庡浗鍜屾娲茬殑浼楀鏀垮簻娉曡(渚嬪钀ㄧ彮鏂硶妗堢瓑)宸茬粡鏄庣‘鎻愬嚭鍏徃鍐呯數瀛愰偖浠剁殑鐢靛瓙鍙戠幇鍜屾硶瑙勯伒浠庢柟闈㈢殑瑙勫畾锛岃姹備笂甯傚叕鍙镐繚鐣欐墍鏈変笟鍔¤褰曪紝鍖呮嫭鐢靛瓙璁板綍鍜岄偖浠跺湪鍐咃紝涓嶅皯浜?骞淬? This means that enterprises must manage and keep good business all the e-mail, e-mail inquiries to meet future demand, or is likely to pose a risk to the enterprise. Meanwhile, China is also vigorously promoting "basic norms of internal control" to promote the business listed companies do a better job of risk management of electronic data, we can see that e-mail archiving problem is the trend, the times of the solution.


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